:fm19: :aide: Edit en ligne

Bonsoir, c’est encore moi avec ma ligue du japon. J’ai trouvé pas mal d’erreurs sur les noms de club, j’ai tenté de le modifié avec l’éditeur normal, mais les noms reviennent à la normal… Soit je fais mal soit ça bug. Du coup ma question est, y’a t’il un éditeur qui permet de modifier via une partie?

Utilise ceci

et du coup je les mets où? :smiley:

How to fix fake competition and club names in FM 2019

  1. Quit the game (if it’s open).

  2. Extract the contents of the pack you downloaded from here to a temporary location. You’ll need them for step 6.

  3. Find the 1910 folder.

\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2019\data\database\db\1910

/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2019/database/data/db/1910/

  1. Open the lnc folder and then enter the all sub-folder.

  2. Delete the following 3 files:

  • fake.lnc
  • lic_dan_swe_fra.lnc
  • nleague.lnc
  1. Move Daniel-Stam FM19 Fix.lnc and Daniel-Stam FM19 Club Names.lnc inside this all folder.

  2. Go 2 folders back to find the edt folder.
    Open it and then enter the permanent sub-folder.

  3. Delete the file « fake.edt ».
    This will fix Danny Blind from getting renamed to Jan Jansen.

  4. Again go 2 folders back, this time to find the dbc folder.
    Open it and then enter the permanent sub-folder.

  5. Delete the following 3 files:

  • brazil_kits.dbc
  • forbidden names.dbc
  • Licensing2.dbcThis will prevent Brazilian clubs from reverting to 3-letter names and will allow certain kits to be visible again.
  1. Open the game and enjoy Football Manager 2019 with real names .
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